> 春节2024 > 迟到和冬天有关吗英语






7. I think the correct answer is \"Were many people late for the party last night?\" The reason is that \"were\" is the past tense of \"are,\" and \"late\" is the adjective form of \"arrive late.\" Therefore, the sentence means \"Were many people late for the party last night?\"


The correct translation is: \"Wake up! It is time to go to school! After dinner, I often go for a walk with my mother. I enjoy...


1. The correct translation is: \"I was late because our bus broke down on the way.\" The reason is that \"broke down\" means the bus had mechanical problems, which caused the delay.


After, when, before, and since are all prepositions that indicate time. However, they have different meanings and uses. \"After\" means something happens following another event. \"When\" refers to a specific point in time. \"Before\" means something happens prior to another event. \"Since\" indicates that something started in the past and continues until now.


The phrase \"漫冬终为过者,迟春依旧悄来\" means that even though winter may seem long and never-ending, spring will eventually come quietly. This phrase, originating from 2020, symbolizes the hope that after a challenging period, a new beginning will emerge.


1. The correct translations are: \"We are afraid that we will be late.\" This sentence implies that there is a possibility of being late, expressing concern or worry. 2. \"Many birds fly to the south of China during winter.\" This sentence highlights the migratory behavior of birds during winter.


The correct translation is: \"Hi, what a fine day today! Yes, it\'s a lovely day. Have you had lunch yet? Of course, I have. How about you? I have too. Yesterday\'s weather was terrible. It rained heavily. I dislike rainy days as it affects my mood. Me too, especially during the cold winter.\"


When it comes to taking leave during winter, there can be various reasons. One common reason is the extremely cold weather and heavy snowfall, which can cause inconvenience in transportation. The risk of getting delayed due to the difficulty in catching a bus or dealing with slippery roads can be justifiable reasons for taking leave. Additionally, accidents caused by slipping on icy surfaces might require a period of rest and recovery at home.


Here are a few sentences that describe the delay in seasons transitioning into different climates: \"In this region, the change of seasons always comes late. While flowers bloom in other places, it remains cold winter here. The scorching summer has already passed in other areas, yet it\'s still a warm spring here. The leaves have fallen in other places during autumn, but winter arrives late in this region.\"


Speaking of the usage of \"on\" and \"above\" in English:

  • \"On\" is mainly used to express physical contact or a position upon something. For example, \"The book is on the table.\"
  • \"Above\" is used to indicate a position that is higher than something else. For example, \"The bird is flying above the clouds.\"

It\'s important to note that while \"on\" refers to a surface or contact, \"above\" denotes a position that is higher than another object.